Roxby Downs Children’s Centre

Staff members are enthusiastic, knowledgeable, collaborative, and committed to ensuring our everyday practice reflects this educational philosophy.
We value
- A rich, safe play-based learning and care environment that invites hands-on exploration, inspires engagement, provides opportunities to wonder and take considered risks
- Opportunities for all children to develop learning dispositions such as curiosity, creativity, confidence, communication, cooperation, persistence, enthusiasm, resilience and emotional intelligence
- A responsive, intentional and flexible learning and care environment which fosters children’s wellbeing, learning, development, independence and sense of responsibility
- Opportunities for children to appreciate Australia’s cultural diversity, and the importance of being inclusive and respectful to all.
- Connections and collaboration with children, families and the community
Parents’ voices
Caring for others, confidence, courage, creativity, curiosity, respect for diversity, educational improvement, emotional intelligence, empathy, encouragement, enjoyment, feeling safe, forming relationships, friendship, fun, growth mindset, hands-on learning, happiness, honesty, imagination, inclusivity, independence, integrity, kindness, patience, learning new things, listening, manners, persistence, play-based, problem solving, resilience, respect, responsibility, safety, sharing, social development, supportive, trust
Educators’ voices
Belonging, community, creativity, curiosity, diversity, engagement, families/community, environment, fun, hands-on, image of child, inclusivity, inspiring, inviting, knowledge building, learning together, listening, love, joy, magical, whimsical, persistence, play-based, relationships, respect, wellbeing
Children’s voices
What do you love about the centre? Playing, climbing the tree, swings, seesaw, playing with the babies, playing with my friends, playing with the dinosaurs, learning to read, reading books and playing with the Troll (from 3 billy goats gruff)
How does the centre make you feel? Safe, happy, good, excited, surprised
What do you want to learn about? Writing, ABC, 123, how to make mud balls, climb the kindy tree, learn to make sand castles, painting, drawing, telling stories, following kindy rules
We recognise
- That children are active participants in their learning, have individual strengths and abilities and are capable and competent learners
- The importance of reflective practices and that we are all lifelong learners and engage in these to provide quality teaching and learning
- That children have rights (United Nations Conventions of the Rights of the Child) and are active citizens from birth
- The environment and the quality interactions between educators, children and families have a significant impact on quality learning and life skills
- That children need routines, time and space to be, retreat, rest, be unhurried, form relationships and develop a strong sense of belonging
We will
- Provide an inspiring and inclusive environment where children feel safe, secure and supported to be curious, and grow in confidence to explore and learn
- Work in partnership and build respectful relationships with families and children to foster a learning culture
- Embed sustainable practices into our curriculum to highlight our responsibility to care for the environment and promote respect for resources and each other
- Build upon the knowledge that children already have and support their holistic development
- Listen to children’s voices and encourage them to express their ideas and thinking and be responsive to these
- Provide support to children to develop social and emotional skills, life skills, friendships and positive dispositions for learning

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