Learning & Care
At our centre we offer the following services:
Child Care
Long day care is available Monday to Friday for children from birth until the child begins school. Children are able to attend half, full day or school hour sessions and can also book casual hourly care. Whilst we develop and maintain relationships between children and staff in age specific rooms, we also aim to provide many opportunities for children to interact with older and younger children. The long day care and preschool educators team work closely to ensure continuity where children access both programs.
There are three rooms:
There are three rooms:
The Baby Room (0-2 years)
The Toddler Room (2-3 years)
Junior Kindy (3 years until school age)
We offer an integrated child care and preschool program.
The long day care program operates between 6:00 am and 6:30 pm. Parents are required to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to pick up to allow staff to share information about their child’s day. All children and parents need to leave the Centre no later than 6.30pm in the evening as this is when the Centres licence for Long Day Care finishes.
Community Engagement
Our Community Development Co-ordinator plans many groups and services for the site that are open to families who attend the long day care/preschool programs but also the wider community. Check the Centres Program for a full list of all the things on-site available to local families.
Health Services and Programs
Information about the range of health services and programs can be found on our Centre’s Program.
Out of School Hours Care
Children can attend out of school hours care (OSHC) at the Centre.
Before school, after school and vacation care is offered. Children are dropped off and collected from the Roxby Downs Area School . St. Barbara’s Parish School also offers a drop off and collection service between their school and the Children’s Centre for before and after school care.
Before school, after school and vacation care is offered. Children are dropped off and collected from the Roxby Downs Area School . St. Barbara’s Parish School also offers a drop off and collection service between their school and the Children’s Centre for before and after school care.
For more information please refer to our Parent Handbook and/or our Payment of Fees policy or contact the Centre on (08) 8671 0455
Please speak to our Community Development Coordinator about the range of playgroups on offer.
Our preschool sessions operate Monday to Friday
Group 1 – Monday and Tuesday 8.30am – 3pm, fortnightly Wednesday on odd weeks 8.30am-12.30pm
Group 2 – Thursday and Friday 8.30am-3pm, fortnightly Wednesday on even weeks 8.30am-12.30pm
Group 1 – Monday and Tuesday 8.30am – 3pm, fortnightly Wednesday on odd weeks 8.30am-12.30pm
Group 2 – Thursday and Friday 8.30am-3pm, fortnightly Wednesday on even weeks 8.30am-12.30pm
Information about all Children’s Centres
(External link)
(External link)

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